We are filled with love and gratitude to all the participants who joined us this past Saturday to demonstrate their support to us, the Montoya family and everyone in the LGBTQ+ community. We were joined by Moms, families, couples, media, community leaders, those in the political environment, the Houston police department and its LGBTQ Liaison, and everyone who demonstrated and believe that love is love.
We would like to thank the few residents of the Kingwood community, those who drove from Houston and all the way from Baytown, representatives of the Democratic Party Ellie Ross Porras and Egberto Willies. Churches, community and political leaders to share their passion for justice and equality and speakers: Ethan Michelle Ganz, Meghan Fairbanks and Mandy Riseden Giles.
We thank you, we love you, and we appreciate you kindness and respect towards our kids, and for who they are.