April is a month of celebration for many global religions.
With Mahavir Jayanti (Jainism) in the beginning, Passover (Judaism), Easter (Christianity), and Vaisakhi (Hinduism & Sikhism) in the middle, and Eid al-Fitr (Islam) at the end, nearly 75% of the world’s population will observe a religious holiday this month. As we enter this festive season, we must be conscious of our professional peers who practice different faiths from us.
Here are our tips on how to be sensitive to religious diversity in the workplace:
Don’t proselytize
While you are welcome to practice your faith on your own time, the workplace is an interfaith setting. Not everyone will share your same beliefs, and no one appreciates unprompted spiritual advice or judgments. If a coworker expresses interest in your practices, you may share at your discretion. However, avoid generalizing or speaking for other members of your faith. No religion is a monolith! Furthermore, advertising your faith as a preferred alternative is highly disrespectful, and can also be distracting from work functions.
Take time to learn
Educating yourself on another’s religion does NOT necessarily mean you have to agree or conform. Many religious practitioners are happy to teach others about their beliefs and practices if you show genuine interest and compassion. However, you can always take the initiative to learn about your peers’ lifestyles on your own, as well. One’s religion can affect many aspects of their life, including their diet, their style of dress, their daily routines, and their worldviews. By working to understand one another’s faiths, we can create a more tolerant and caring work environment.
Stand up against religious discrimination
Religious minorities face constant fear of retaliation in the workplace, due to the recent rise in hate crimes and speech targeted at religious minority groups. If you believe a coworker or subordinate has been a victim of religious discrimination, offer to advocate for them. Minority individuals often rely on allies from the majority to ensure that discriminatory practices are disciplined in a quick and effective manner. No religion is justification for harmful rhetoric or violence!
Be respectful
Most importantly, always approach religious subjects with tact and careful consideration. If you must discuss religion within the workplace, acknowledge your own positionality and recognize that not everyone will agree with you. Diversity of beliefs and practices is what makes our workforce multi-dimensional and well-rounded. We can foster team cooperation and a culture of belonging by simply treating others with respect, even if their religious affiliation differs from your own.