The power of minorities can change the world.
The Minority Business Office of Colorado has a plan for your business to grow and have a social and economic impact on the lives of many people.

Discover the benefits

- Businesses legally establish themselves
- Be eligible to apply for small grants of up to $1,200
- Apply for future programs of our office: Small Business Accelerated Growth program and Startup Loan Fund
- Become part of the companies bidding for major contracts
- Certify yourself and your company and be more competitive
Business development
Unlock the power of entrepreneurship with the expert guidance of The Minority Business Office (MBO). Harness your professional knowledge and ignite your business dreams. MBO empowers you to navigate the world of business with precision and purpose, paving the way for success and growth.
MBE certification provides advantages such as bidding on contracts, accessing resources, visibility in directories, leveling the playing field, subcontracting opportunities, and collaborations with certified companies. While it doesn’t guarantee contracts, it increases chances of success in loans and government contracts.
Largest ethnic groups in Colorado:
Being part of this business adventure will allow you to participate in many business environments.
This program provides technical assistance and small grants to Colorado small businesses to help businesses legally establish themselves.
The program provides online learning modules along with personalized expert consultation, and grants of varying amounts.
This program provides a peek into resources available through our partners at the World Trade Center Denver to reach international markets.
This program provides loans to Colorado entrepreneurs and small business owners.
This directory is Colorado’s most comprehensive database of certified minority-owned businesses.

Minority groups
- Black Americans
- Hispanic/Latino Americans
- Native Americans
- Asian Pacific Americans
- Subcontinent Asian Americans
- Women
Black Americans
Hispanic/ Latino Americans
Native Americans
Asian Pacific Americans
Subcontinent Asian Americans
Do you want us to guide you through the process?
We'll accompany your fast business journey. Save time and let Diversity Matters guide you at every step.
We know every corner and detail about these programs. We can simplify your process.
With expertise in the US minority business landscape, we'll be your right-hand on the path to success. From brand creation to marketing, we'll support you at every stage.